Demeaning Spirits: Exposing The Works Of Darkness, Jezebel, Internet Trolls

Yes, folks, they are “out there”…self proclaimed “kings and queens of the keyboard” rambling and bleating their messages all over the Internet, pimping their “ministries” and “callings” so-called. Whining about how “persecuted” they are for “just doin the work of the Lord”, which in reality only amounts to crying foul when they get called out for their own wicked goings on. And why shouldn’t they be called out by those who see through them? They are themselves accusers of the brethren, shifting blame on to others for what they have done.  

It’s as the video I posted rightly says. They are Internet Trolls, deceiving and being themselves deceived. So deluded, they actually believe their own lies.

Matthew 15: 14“Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

The Love of God and souls is not in them. They are of those who trade in the bodies and souls of men for financial gain and the deception of the gullible. They preach repentance but do not repent, as if repentance applies to everyone but them.  

You know, I have begun to cringe when I see that word “ministry” attached to some website, as it usually has a PayPal button attached. Some things never seem to change. We have the unscrupulous Nigerian scammers dreaming up bigger and better scams on a daily bssis, which most folks recognize as such, but in naive and gullible Christian circles, the old tried and true fake gospel scams have morphed over into the Internet.

They come in all types…. from legalistic, “intellectualized” dead religious forms, devoid of the Spirit of God, to the ridiculous rantings of lunatics such as we’ve posted about on this blog. (You know who you are), since you haunt this site almost daily. These who’ve claimed to have been “called” to the “ministry” when in reality, their deeds, words, and works prove otherwise.

They are false brethren, who speak great swelling words but seduce by flatteries, “calling their groupies, saints” and the like in hypocrisy.

I ask, where are the hearts, souls and lives of those they lie to being changed? Where are the souls weeping at the altar for Jesus? Where is the Power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost in evidence in this so-called “ministry”?

Get a job. Preaching the gospel is a calling, not a business!

“Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” Ephesians 4:28.




One thought on “Demeaning Spirits: Exposing The Works Of Darkness, Jezebel, Internet Trolls”

  1. PS: Larry Jordan, the police aren’t “watching” anyone as you falsely claim, and have been lying about for eons. Nor has anyone been slandering you. Poor baby. Most intelligent and learned Christians know that calling out a false “ministry” ….like yours……. is not slandering, but warning innocent Christians to avoid you and Mizz Patricia like their hair was on fire.

    Another point, knowing your online antics and what you “claim”, it’s very easy to filed a protective order against a perceived enemy, IF you’re willing to lie under oath, which is against the law.
    But then, we already know you have NO problem with lying. Your sins have found you out.

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