Preaching is a Calling, Not a Business

The Lord Jesus Christ chases the Money Changers Out of the Temple

Preaching and teaching is a calling, not a business.

Larry Jordan and Patricia Hagemann do a lot of that… teaching and preaching. They like to call themselves “watchmen”, but if you pay close attention you will notice that what they “teach and preach” has little if anything to do with leading people into a deeper relationship, sanctification, consecration, and  knowledge of the Most High God, and His precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mostly what they LOVE to preach and teach about is condemnation of  false ministries. The same thing a lot of other so called “discernment ministries” talk about.  Can’t todays modern geneneration of computer literate folks find their way to websites with scriptures and teachings about these issues themselves…..and free of charge? There is no love for either people…or God,with these two hirelings. They  preach what they love best….condemnation against other “evil” doers. Never, never about their own evil doing and  hypocricy.

Oh sure, they say they love you. Lip service put out for their own self interest and for promoting themselves in false love to the brethren. Look, anyone can get on the Internet, Facebook, YouTube, and BlogTalk Radio and put on a “SHOW”,  but the real work is down in the trenches among the poor, the outcasts, the widows and orphans, the disenfranchized. To be broken bread and poured out wine.

There is no passion or pleading with prayer or heartfelt crying out to the Lord for the hearts, souls and deliverance of the people or drawing them to the Father with these two self proclaimed “Watchmen”.

There’s coming a time not too long from now, when Lord Jesus is going to remove the Money Changers in todays Christendom once and for all.

All that said, let me remind you; preaching is a calling, not a business. And…also, though some ‘preach’against organized religion and apostasy; people who come out of apostate churches can be just as apostate as some of those still inside apostate churches. Possibly even more so, since all restraint and accountability has been abandoned.

When you see that little PayPal donate button, what you are seeing is the mark and evidence of a hireling, no matter how you shake it!

What is a hireling? Someone hoping to make gain from you- to themselves.

This my friends is what a harlot, a prostitute does.

Small wonder Lord Jesus warned us about these types in His Word, of those who would make godiness is gain.

And….the very reason this blog exists is to begin exposing the way these false brethren. Larry Jordan and Patricia Hagemann have slowly and methodically, insinutated  themselves into the Internet, YouTube,FaceBook, FaithBook, BlogTalkRadio and elsewhere, corrupting and distorting the pure gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and deceiving his children. Better a millstone would be hung around their neck and cast into the sea, rather than to have hurt one of His little ones. They will be held accountable, whether on this blog, or at the Judgment Seat of Christ.



2 thoughts on “Preaching is a Calling, Not a Business”

  1. Admin:I’m allowing this comment with the stipulation that I am not endorcing the Clarks ministry, but for the express purpose of giving the readers, (and Larry Jordans supporters), a more clear picture of this disturbed man, and to illustrate the difference between what they know of him on Facebook, his Blog and BlogTalk online radio, are two very different things.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    When I know the Lord has been in the creation of an undertaking, I pay very close attention for proof of his arranging and painting a picture for all to see what he is up too, and what he is trying to show us.

    I believe this blog has been that place, an opportunity for folks to voice the truth, and be confirmed through factual information. That being said, transparency is a must in speaking the truth. When faced with a task that involves other individuals, we must be open to hear both sides of a matter. Sometimes it can be very messy and painful. If we are abiding in Jesus, the truth will prevail. If we seek to search out a matter, it will be revealed. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life.

    It is so telling to listen to Larry Jordan’s video about his “dreadful” last few years of traveling across the country to find a place he could join for fellowship, looking for that perfect place.

    We do know he started in Bend Oregon, then San Diego Calif, Northern Arkansas, Platte Nebraska, Indiana (Renniers), Missouri ( D****, his sister), Redmond Oregon, and now still living here is Strawberry, Arizona…..see below.

    03-13-2009, 06:34 PM I’m moving your way soon possible >>>>>Northen Ark to help with Retreet camp. Please Pray for me! driving Cross USA By Faith to Place of refuge of Believers !

    04-03-2009, 07:45 AM I just got to RV Park here in>>> North Platte,Nebraska,tired long day in Heavy Wind and Icy roads,lots of cars wrecked they did not slow down on ICE , I went Slowwwww,

    7-17-2009, 07:03 AM I Lived in Oregon almost all my Life I just Moved away from Bend,Oregon for about 3 months or so I really miss it, and Friends and Christians that love The Lord There,
    >>>>>>I’m in Indiana

    08-05-2009, 08:48 PM Made it to >>>>Redmond Oregon, Looking forward to getting to work for The Lord on what He has put on my heart, some may not Like The Truth But God’s Love demands Truth Spoken The…

    09-17-2009, 11:23 AM Arizona next and fellowship with Saints in >>>>northern Az.


    As pretending to be a bystander, and we do not know the parties involved, let’s take a look at some of the statements that Larry Jordan made in the video.

    If you’ve every listened to Larry Jordan speak, he’s very emotional, and goes from one subject to another, nothing is coherent, he rambles. So the things we point from the video are listed as we heard them. He jumps around a lot, and then goes back and forth from one topic to another, most times never making any sense.

    #1) In the video Larry contradicted himself. If you pay attention you’ll hear his attempt to shade all the people that he said “the Lord” directed him too, and become part of their fellowship are some very wicked people.

    So the question begs to be answered, why would God direct him to such awful people?

    Side note) For more proof here is his account of “God confirming” three times in his own writings about where his should move taken off of the Watchmen Cry Forum. This is one of the major things Larry keep repeating, on all of his social media outlets, poor boy, he was tricked!

    I’m doing Great>>>> (1) God has been pulling on my heart to go to Arizona next and fellowship with Saints in northern Az. Home church there, >>>> (2) “GOD Confirmed this Today” Love in Christ Larry

    Last edited by LARRY; 09-17-2009 at 11:22 AM. Reason:>>>>> (3) Confirmation from The Lord

    Going on……..

    #2) But in the video he is saying two different things. Now we have three times he has said that God confirmed.

    Now the truth……Daniel Clark only talked to Larry Jordan once by phone. In that phone call he tries to pick a fight with Daniel about our teachings on our website. He is yelling loudly, but somehow Daniel calms him down and gets him off the phone. Then Daniel gets an email from Larry Jordan saying he on his way to Arizona. We never invited him, he came on his own. I’ll go into to why we did not want him to come. Remember in the video he said they (Clarks) tricked him.

    Few months later, Larry Jordan writes a huge “whopper” of lies on his fb wall, but again according to “his own” written statement, and do remember in the video he says he was tricked…so two times he says he was tricked.

    So did God tell him to go to Arizona or did God tricked him? Who voice is Larry Jordan listening too?


    #4) He said his sister drove him up to Strawberry, and he moved into a trailer park (FYI he lived there six months)…then later he states he moved onto another trailer park and lived their 2yrs…he came in beginning of September 2009…it will be two years in September, >>>>>>>so his timeline of where he moves and lives doesn’t add up.

    #5) He said watchman cry forum allows people to say negative things about him…>>>>>then why is he the only one that was banned for life?

    He left this part out! Banned!
    03-26-2009, 09:34 AM
    LARRY Banned Join Date: Jan 2009

    #6) Larry Jordan rolled his eyes when he said he tried a DEAD Baptist church…but later in the video he says about this “dead” Baptist church; He help another man at the church understand the NAR movement (New Apostle Renewal).>>>> He was going to the dead baptist church? Or NO?

    #7) Larry said on the video to check out the Clark’s website all the teachings Sharlene Clark has done. >>>>>>If you look, there is not one teaching on their website that Sharlene Clark as written. Who cares, but Larry is lying again.

    #8) Larry Jordan said look at Sharlene Clarks FB wall, and all the deliverance posts >>>>>>Pastor Daniel Clarks teachings are the only posts on the FB wall; words from the Lord, and dreams, etc. Also some news articles posts. Sharlene Clark also posts on occasion some of her testimonies. 4-16-14 Update; Sharlene Clark does have delivers material NOW on her wall, but at the times of the Larry video, she did not…Again, and who cares!!!

    #9) Then Larry says look at Shannon Davis on Sharlene Clarks FB wall>>>>Sharlene Clark is not friends with Shannon Davis. Who cares, but proves he is lying again.

    All the above is just some of the contradictions we pick-up listening to Larry and his recollection of his last 4-5 years of moving around the country.


    From the first time Larry Jordan called us I knew he was very bad news. Then upon him sending Dan the email and that he was on his way, I wondered what was this about, why would he be coming here to Strawberry? I told my husband that is guy coming here is not good.

    Written March 1, 2012,
    We saw how many problems Larry had from the very beginning, he suffers from demonic influences and now from what I’ve read lately he is totally taken over by these strongholds.

    We tried to minister to him through deliverance and teachings and ended with him beginning campaign against us after his fourth day here in Strawberry, Az. He called after week later and said he was sorry and wanted to come back. We let him come back into fellowship and in about a month later we were the bad guys again. This has continued for 4 years….always followed with slandering, mocking, lying, surveillance using binoculars standing in the dark of the night looking into our home, make video of us taking walks and placing them on you tube. Yelling out loudly as he goes by our home with cursing and name calling.

    Then goes to the churches in the area and spreads gossip and slander that we are a cult and sons of satan. He continued his attacks with going on forums and websites to discredit us and our ministry. He has done the same things with so many of the brethren in our fellowship and many others in the area that Larry has decided to harass. Why does he do these things, he’s a greatly tormented man.

    We’ve been kind and loving, patience and hoping for the opportunity to confront these demons in Larry and help him get free…maybe wishful thinking. We’ve treated Larry with respect and always mindful of the demons that are running his life and he’s just a puppet being controlled and now has become a victim of the enemies tactic.

    This comment is under the title of “Preaching is a Calling, Not a Business” subtitle to the headline; “The Lord Jesus Christ chases the Money Changers Out of the Temple”.

    This video that is with this article, ready got our attention.

    If we listen closely, we can see, and hear God “IS” in the little things…praise his name for that!

    The video is from the movie Jesus of Nazareth. First interesting thing we noticed is that we are in the Passover week, it started April 15th, Not a coincidence. Second thing, when Jesus said at the very end of the video, AND YOU HAVE MADE IT A “DEN OF THIEVES”. Ummm, there was another “BIG WOW”. A blog that most people following the Larry saga knew about, that was the name of the blog…very interesting to say the least. Third thing, standing next to Jesus in the movie is judas, “after” Jesus proclaims loudly The Den of Thieves, this it at 1:40 that you see judas on the “left” of side of Jesus…just amazing!

    Getting back to WHY we did not want Larry Jordan to move to Strawberry. This movie confirmed this very well, what I, Sharlene Clark, knew from before Larry Jordan, ever stepped foot in Strawberry.

    There is a “corporate group” of “wicked christians” who will become reprobated and become like judas.

    larry jordan is one of ‘em.

    This is the Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet…thus saith the Lord, amen…agree or disagree, I’m speaking what the Lord revealed to me.

  2. Admin: A Pastor sent in the following comment and wished it to be posted anonymously.
    I happen to agree. You see, the scriptures verify that if we are in God’s will in our lives, and in what He has called us to do, He will see to our needs supernaturally, accordiing to His bountiful ability to provide all our necessary needs financially. I have found this to be true in my own life in every instance.
    Therefore, it would appear when a “ministry” begs money from people, they are;
    1.Not in God’s will
    2. They are not trusting him for provision but rather, leaning on the arm of the flesh, (man) to supply money.
    3. God is not ‘hearing’ or proividing for them due to disobedience

    There can be no other reasons, since God is not a man that He should lie. Period

    A Testimony About Giving and Receiving Offerings

    The Lord Called me to be a Shepherd in 2001. I had asked the Lord, “Is This It,” we just “Come to Church” and “Sit and Listen” to the pastor and Go Home?”

    After “Four” different prophets spoke the same word over me, I realized I was to become a shepherd. What I did not know was, the Lord was going to Send” me down a “different road” of how church was to be done and how I was to become the shepherd/pastor, He wanted me to be.

    The One of the Very First Things He said to me was, “Do Not Ask For Offerings.” I will “Supply All of Your Needs.” This is not to say, these needs would not come from Believers, only “He” would place the need upon those “He Chose” to help this ministry.

    This has been a “Powerful Witness” for “Who He Is” and who we are in Him. He has supplied all of our needs, “not necessarily wants,” ever since that day “He Called me.” He has “Stretched” my “Faith” many times and has always come through, in some very hard circumstances and when sometimes I thought “all would, or could be lost.”

    Yet, out of seemingly nowhere, He would bring a saint out of the shadows, whom He has been dealing with and they would send financial help and always, “words of encouragement” to keep my wife and I moving forward.

    He Loves His People, and will, if they will daily and diligently, “Seek and Obey” His Commandments, He will always come through with what “they need” to keep Growing in Christ and Producing the “Fruits of the Spirit.”

    All of Jesus’ needs were met and we, who are “His Living Stones,” being Built Up into His Most Holy Temple, we have our “Needs Met” as well. Our Father in Heaven will not let His Chosen Children Down, if they are walking in “Spirit and in Truth.”

    The “Gain is Godliness” and “Prosperity Messages” of today, where the supposed leaders of the church feel it necessary to “Beg Continually” from the saints, so they can do their religious works, Jesus Calls….. “Iniquities,” will all soon find themselves having to “Go Back” to the Word of God, where it says in:

    Philippians 4:19 BUT MY GOD SHALL “SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED” ACCORDING TO “HIS RICHES” Riches in the Spirit, as well as physical riches. IN “GLORY” In the Spirit. Those who are “Lead by the Spirit” are the “Sons of God.” BY CHRIST JESUS.

    Note: Philippians 4:12 I KNOW BOTH HOW TO BE “ABASED,” AND I KNOW HOW TO “ABOUND:” EVERYWHERE AND IN “ALL THINGS” I AM “INSTRUCTED” BOTH TO BE “FULL” AND TO BE “HUNGRY,” BOTH TO “ABOUND” AND TO “SUFFER NEED.” Something today’s church seems to avoid in their “prosperity messages.”



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