Tag Archives: WatchmanontheWallMinistries BlogTalkRadio

Preaching is a Calling, Not a Business

The Lord Jesus Christ chases the Money Changers Out of the Temple

Preaching and teaching is a calling, not a business.

Larry Jordan and Patricia Hagemann do a lot of that…..so-called teaching and preaching. They like to call themselves “watchmen”, but if you pay close attention you will notice that what they “teach and preach” has little if anything to do with leading people into a deeper relationship, sanctification, consecration, and  knowledge of the Most High God, and His precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mostly what they LOVE to preach and teach about is condemnation of  false ministries. The same thing a lot of other so called “discernment ministries” talk about.  Can’t todays modern geneneration of computer literate folks find their way to websites with scriptures and teachings about these issues themselves…..and free of charge? There is no love for either people…or God,with these two hirelings. They  preach what they love best….condemnation against other “evil” doers. Never, never about their own evil doing and  hypocricy.

Oh sure, they say they love you. Lip service put out for their own self interest and for promoting themselves in false love to the brethren. Look, anyone can get on the Internet, Facebook, YouTube, and BlogTalk Radio and put on a “SHOW”,  but the real work is down in the trenches among the poor, the outcasts, the widows and orphans, the disenfranchized. To be broken bread and poured out wine.

There is no passion or pleading with prayer or heartfelt crying out to the Lord for the hearts, souls and deliverance of the people or drawing them to the Father with these two self proclaimed “Watchmen”.

There’s coming a time not too long from now, when Lord Jesus is going to remove the Money Changers in todays Christendom once and for all.

All that said, let me remind you; preaching is a calling, not a business. And…also, though some ‘preach’against organized religion and apostasy; people who come out of apostate churches can be just as apostate as some of those still inside apostate churches. Possibly even more so, since all restraint and accountability has been abandoned.

When you see that little PayPal donate button, what you are seeing is the mark and evidence of a hireling, no matter how you shake it!

What is a hireling? Someone hoping to make gain from you- to themselves.

This my friends is what a harlot, a prostitute does.

Small wonder Lord Jesus warned us about these types in His Word, of those who would make godiness is gain.

And….the very reason this blog exists is to begin exposing the way these false brethren. Larry Jordan and Patricia Hagemann have slowly and methodically, insinutated  themselves into the Internet, YouTube,FaceBook, FaithBook, BlogTalkRadio and elsewhere, corrupting and distorting the pure gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and deceiving his children. Better a millstone would be hung around their neck and cast into the sea, rather than to have hurt one of His little ones. They will be held accountable, whether on this blog, or at the Judgment Seat of Christ.